Honors B.A. Media, Information & Technology
Minor in Professional Writing
Western University, Canada
I produce and co-host the Millennial Minimalists podcast & I help brands advertise in podcasts.
I am a passionate connector and podcaster with 5 years of experience in the podcast space and 12 years in building brand partnerships to promote customer engagement and revenue growth.
I started the Millennial Minimalists podcast in August of 2018 with my co-host, Lauren Morley, and today we have grown a devoted community of listeners worldwide with over 190 episodes and 1.2M listens to date (02/23).
We share our own lessons and interview thought leaders in science, psychology, entrepreneurship and education to offer our listeners the tools to adopt simpler, more intentional lifestyles.
As part of my passion and experience in podcasting, I also connect brands with leading podcasts to advertise their products or services.
I previously lived in Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Los Angeles and today I am based in Toronto, Canada.